I am Assistant Professor of Statistics in the Department of Quantitative Methods at Universidad de la República in Montevideo, Uruguay (UDELAR-IESTA). I earned my Ph.D. in Statistics from Iowa State University in July 2017, under the supervision of Di Cook and Heike Hofmann with guidance from Eun-Kyung Lee, who was a visiting professor at Iowa State at that time. My research interests include supervised learning methods, prediction, exploratory data analysis, statistical graphics, reproducible research, and meta-analysis.
I have served as an Associate Editor for Reproducibility at the Journal of the American Statistical Association since 2022 JASA. You can check the JASA Reproducibility Guide.
I co-founded the Latinamerican Conference About the Use of R in R&D, LatinR, in 2018 and have been serving as co-chair of the event since then. Additionally, I co-founded R-Ladies Montevideo RLadies_MVD meetup and The R User Group in Montevideo, known as GURU GURUG meetup. Most of the courses I teach involve coding in R at various levels. If you want to know more about the R community across Latin America, check R Fordwards post. During my Ph.D. at ISU, I also co-founded R-Ladies-Ames
Statistical Learning
Statistical graphics
Computational Statistics
Exploratory data analysis
Reproducible research